Norovirus – meet the HERBS

it’s that time of year again…

It never fails, there is always some kind of epidemic circulating in our communities during this time of year, like the norovirus.  We all know someone who is ill, and who can’t participate in all the festivities.  Bummer!


A few years ago, I was out sick, big time, for the holidays, and it was not fun at all.  My stomach ached from coughing so much, and my mind was mush.  My boyfriend finally talked me in to go and see a doctor (I do hate going to see doctors).  Come to find out, I had strep throat, even though I didn’t have the normal symptoms for it.

So, how do you prevent you and your loved ones from catching any one of those dreaded, sneaky epidemics?  Education and prevention. (more…)

Horse Chestnuts and Veins

Horse Chestnuts

Aesculus Hippocastanum

Horse Chestnuts

The horse chestnut is a tree which is native to the northern hemisphere.   It is also sometimes referred to as buckeye or Spanish chestnut.  The leaves, flowers, bark and seeds have been used for centuries to cure various ailments.

Horse chestnut is valued because of its support of the circulatory system.  Its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties help to tone and protect blood vessels.  By increasing the permeability of the capillaries and allowing the re-absorption of excess fluid back into the circulatory system, it helps in reducing fluid retention. (more…)

Local Food Challenge

Eating local, and I don’t mean at a restaurant!

I came across an article the other day that talked about eating only locally grown foods.   The article contained a TED Talk video in relation to this.  Now if you have never seen a TED Talk video, you are in for a treat!  These videos cover a wide range of topics and the speakers are phenomenal!  This particular video is called Relational Eating: Vicki Robin.

Local food challenge

Going to give it my best!

In it, Vicki describes how she challenged herself to only eat what she could find within so many miles from her home (she’s a great speaker, by the way), with a few allotted “exotic” items.  And so I asked myself the question, “Could I do it?”  Well, we shall see.  I’m giving myself eight days to try and only eat local, within a 100 mile radius.  My start date will be Saturday, Oct. 18 and I will end on Sat. Oct. 25. So for the past few days, I’ve been planning out my strategy.  (more…)

It is so easy to get herbs in your diet!

With all the different wonderful herbs out there, how is one able to get them in their body?  I am not a pill popper, so taking a pill for every conditions is not an option.  So now what?



Herbs right in your cupboard!

Yep, it all starts right in your spice cabinet.  Many of the everyday spices we use are essential to a healthy diet.  Not only do these herbs add taste to dishes, but they all have properties to improve your health and body work to its fullest potential.

With fall here, this is a very easy way to get herbs in your body and your families bodies that will help fend off colds and the flu.  Thyme is an expectorant, which helps clear the lungs of mucas and other unwanted materials.  Garlic is a must for this time of year.  It helps boost the immune system to help fight viruses, like the flu.  It is best taken raw with a little honey, but is still pretty strong, so garlic supplements will do. Cooked garlic doesn’t have the same drive as in the raw form, but can still be used to help. (more…)

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