Local Food Challenge

Eating local, and I don’t mean at a restaurant!

I came across an article the other day that talked about eating only locally grown foods.   The article contained a TED Talk video in relation to this.  Now if you have never seen a TED Talk video, you are in for a treat!  These videos cover a wide range of topics and the speakers are phenomenal!  This particular video is called Relational Eating: Vicki Robin.

Local food challenge

Going to give it my best!

In it, Vicki describes how she challenged herself to only eat what she could find within so many miles from her home (she’s a great speaker, by the way), with a few allotted “exotic” items.  And so I asked myself the question, “Could I do it?”  Well, we shall see.  I’m giving myself eight days to try and only eat local, within a 100 mile radius.  My start date will be Saturday, Oct. 18 and I will end on Sat. Oct. 25. So for the past few days, I’ve been planning out my strategy.  (more…)

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