Norovirus – meet the HERBS

it’s that time of year again…

It never fails, there is always some kind of epidemic circulating in our communities during this time of year, like the norovirus.  We all know someone who is ill, and who can’t participate in all the festivities.  Bummer!


A few years ago, I was out sick, big time, for the holidays, and it was not fun at all.  My stomach ached from coughing so much, and my mind was mush.  My boyfriend finally talked me in to go and see a doctor (I do hate going to see doctors).  Come to find out, I had strep throat, even though I didn’t have the normal symptoms for it.

So, how do you prevent you and your loved ones from catching any one of those dreaded, sneaky epidemics?  Education and prevention. (more…)

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