Myths in Herbal Medicine: Herbal Medicine is Expensive

plant growing in money

This is part three in my blog post series of “Myths in Herbal Medicine”.  You can find the links to the other posts at the end of this post.

Is herbal medicine expensive?

I feel that many people think that using herbal medicine can be expensive because it is natural.  I guess that would depend on how you approach herbal medicine and what you are buying.  But it doesn’t have to be expensive.  And by this, I don’t mean that you need to get the cheap stuff either.

For the purpose of this post, by herbal medicine, I mean you can use herbs as food or make them into remedies, such as tinctures or oxymels.  Because Hippocrates did say “Let food by thy medicine”.

In this post, I’ll show you a number of ways to get herbs for medicine and food, that won’t empty your wallet.  Hopefully, you will find one or more that will suit your needs.

Buy Herbs in Bulk

Purchasing herbs in larger quantities at a time can save you money.  Some retailers may sell at a wholesale cost if you purchase a minimum amount.  You may be able to save 30-70% getting them in bulk.

You will need space to store them.  A cool, dark place is best.  You can also share with others.

If you tend to store them, there are a number of safe ways to preserve them till use.  Airsealing them in bags is how I do it.  There are also buckets or pails you can purchase as well, for food grade items.

bulk herbs
sharing tomatoes

Partner with Family and Friends

As I mentioned in the previous segment, sharing or partnering with others is another way to save.

Everyone likes saving money.  So check with family and friends to see who, if anyone, is already buying the same herbs as you, and see if they want to split a purchase.

By dividing up the cost of herbs, it is not only cheaper, but also lets you use the herbs in a more timely manner.  This may mean buying more frequently, but the herbs will be fresher.  And who doesn’t like fresh herbs!

Watch for Sales and Coupons

I know it is a little more time consuming, but keeping an eye out for sales and coupons can help save you money.

Holidays and company anniversaries are the perfect time to watch for sales.

Signing up for online herbal newsletters will sometimes offer a discount on a one-time purchase.  Newsletters also can keep you posted as to when sales are coming up.

I like to utilize sales, even if I don’t need the herb at that time because it saves me money in the long run and I’m not paying full price.

gift bag and sale
farmers market

Shop Your Local Farmers Market

Supporting local is always a good way to find herbs to purchase and farmers markets make that very easy.  Most cities and towns host farmers markets during the summer, and some even have them all year long.

I am a little biased here, on recommending farmers markets because I started my herbal business at the local farmers market in town.  I sold my herbal products and got to know my weekly customers.

Something to keep in mind, some vendors at farmers markets will barter.  So don’t be afraid to “make an offer” for herbs or herbal products you would like to purchase.  But make sure to present a reasonable offer.  You don’t want to upset a vendor with a ridiculous offer.

By shopping at farmers markets, you also get to know the person selling the herbs, can find out where the herbs are from, how they are harvested, etc.  I feel this is one of the best ways to get your herbs because you get to know your herbs, unless you forage or grow your herbs.

Forage or Wildcraft for Your Herbs

I love foraging for a few reasons.  First, the herbs, or maybe weeds for some, are free!  Of course, this takes time and you need to know where to find the herbs.

Another reason I love foraging is because it gets you outside and into nature.  Get your exercise and Vitamin D at the same time!

If you decide to forage, two things to keep in mind.  Make sure you know how to identify the plants!  There are some that have look-alikes, but can be deadly.  Secondly, if its not your land, make sure you get permission to forage.

foraging motherwort
seedlings, plants in pots

Grow Your Own Herbs

If you enjoy gardening, like me, try growing herbs.  I love to watch plants grow and develop, whether in a garden or a patio pot.

Growing your own herbs holds many benefits.  First, you can grow the herbs that you want to use.  Second, you know exactly how they are grown and where they are coming from.  Third, growing your own herbs can be relaxing and fulfilling.

And you don’t need a lot of space.  Get a few pots or find a community garden.  Don’t let space stop you.

There are cost effective way to get herbs

As you can see, there are a number of ways that you can get herbs without breaking the bank.  By partnering with others or growing your own, not only will you save money, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment.

I hope you will find one or more of these ways to get the herbs you want into your herbal pharmacy.

Check out the whole series, “Myths in Herbal Medicine”

Read my other blog posts in this series of “Myths in Herbal Medicine” and let me know what you think.

Herbs Haven’t Been “Studied”

Herbs are Natural, so They are Safe

You Need to Take Herbs For a Long Time to Get Results

You Should Only Take One Herb at a Time

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