Stinging Nettle
Botanical Name: Uritca dioica
Fun Facts:
- Is great for allergies
- The male and female flowers grow on seperate plants (known as dioecious)
- Before flax, the stems of nettles were woven into linen
- Was used for rope and fishing nets
- Some people develop an itch or burn from the leaves touching their skin (I grew up knowing this plant as Itch Weed)
- Its own juice will relieve the itching, burning sensation some get when touching its own bristled leaves! (Just like aloe, dock and jewelweed)
- In dry form, nettle is 40% protein
Location found: usually appear in the same place year after year. Found rich soil, disturbed habitats, moist woodlands, thickets, along rivers and partially shaded trails. Spreads by way of seed and creeping roots
Identification: the stout, ribbed, hollow stem grows 2-4′ tall. The dark green leaves are a few inches long, with a rough papery texture, and very coarse teeth. The leaf tip is pointed and the base is heart-shaped. The leaves grow opposite of each other.
Edible Parts: leaf, stem and root
- Do not pick near roads, walkways or other areas where there is potential of the area having been sprayed with chemicals.
Culinary Uses:
- In April/May, harvest the young stalks (about 6″ tall) and rinse in runnning water. Still dripping, place in a sauce pan and steam for about 20 minutes. Chop and serve with salt, pepper and butter.
- Nettle leaves are also good served in soups
Medicinal Uses:
- Good for fighting allergies
- Helps nursing mothers produce milk
- Stops internal and external bleeding
- Stimulates the digestive glands
- Relieves rheumatism
- Great as a gargle for mouth and throat infections
- Helps with mucas congestion
- Relieves skin irritations
- Reduces water retention
- Stops diarhhea
Properties: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anti-anaphylactic,anti-rheumatic, anti-asthmatic, anti-convulsant, anti-dandruff, anti-histamine, astringent, decongestant, depurative, diuretic, hemostatic, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, galactagogue, immunomodulator, prostate tonic, stimulating tonic (definitions for many of these properties can be found on my Glossary of Terms page)
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