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How I Reused My Broken Flower Pot

How I Reused My Broken Flower Pot

My flower pot broke! I've had this flower pot for years and love the design on it.  So this past winter when I found it broken one day, I almost cried.  Ok, I didn't cry, but I was pissed.  I was mad.  I was angry.  And I didn't have the heart to throw it away just...

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Myths in Herbal Medicine: Herbal Medicine is Expensive

Myths in Herbal Medicine: Herbal Medicine is Expensive

This is part three in my blog post series of "Myths in Herbal Medicine".  You can find the links to the other posts at the end of this post. Is herbal medicine expensive? I feel that many people think that using herbal medicine can be expensive because it is natural. ...

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Plants Make People Happy

Plants Make People Happy

Plants Make People Happy! They sure do! I was out and about one day and I came across this display at a grocery store.  I passed it by, but it lingered in my head because plants do make me happy.  I  turned around, went back to the display and took this picture of...

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Myths in Herbal Medicine: Herbs are natural, so they are safe

Myths in Herbal Medicine: Herbs are natural, so they are safe

Herbs are natural, they can be found throughout the world and people use them everyday for food or medicinal purposes. But does that make them safe all the time? Some people have the misconception that because herbs are natural, they must be safe to use.  For the most...

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