“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
I thought there were probably only a few people out there that haven’t heard of CBD. Because friends and neighbors talk about it, it is advertised on the television, you can find it in natural retail stores and even at gas stations!
And it comes in all kinds of forms: liquid extracts, capsules, gummies, balms, ointments, lotions, bath bombs and even shampoo!
It’s like the new best thing!
But a recent Gallup poll showed that only 64% of US adults know about CBD.
Working in a retail store in the supplement and body care department, I deal first hand with customers looking for CBD. It is very interesting to listen to them as to what they have heard or read about it. There is a lot of misconceptions about CBD and some people don’t understand it. Some think it is marijuana. Yikes!
CBD doesn’t get you high, it gets you healthy.
So sit back and let me share with you some of the CBD basics I tell my customers at the brick and mortar store and if it may be beneficial for you. Because CBD is not for everyone.
So What is CBD?
CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol.
Canna what?
That is why we just go with CBD. Much easier, right?
CBD comes from the cannabis plant and is only one of over 100 phytocannabinoids (phyto meaning plant) that have been identified up to now.
THC, another phytocannabinoid in cannabis, is the one that creates intoxicating effects. CBD does not. So you can NOT get high from taking CBD.
In relation to all of this, you may have heard the term hemp. So you may be asking yourself, how do all of these differentiate?
Let’s take a look.
First we have the genus Cannabis.
Cannabis is then broken into two species, hemp (CBD) and marijuana.
The infographic below shows the entire tree lineage for cannabis.
Fun Fact: Hops is in the Cannabaceae Family!
In talking to customers, I compare apples to show the difference. We have apples, many varieties of apples, but they are all still apples. Same with cannabis.
The term hemp is used to differentiate the two species of cannabis because it has 0.3% or less of THC.
I will have a customer here and there ask for hemp oil, when they are really looking for CBD oil. Hemp oil is derived from the seed of the cannabis plant and contains no CBD or THC.
How does CBD work?
CBD works on the endocannabinoid system, which was only discovered 25 years ago, so it is still fairly new in the field of science. It works on the receptors throughout the body to help keep the endocannabinoid system in balance.
The endocannabinoid system receptors are responsible for managing a variety of different things, including appetite, mood, energy, and much more.
Our body naturally synthesizes what are called endogenous cannabinoids, which are chemical messengers that interact with these receptors. CBD, a phytocannabinoid, interacts the same way.
So all in all, receptors in our nervous system and immune system react to cannabis compounds and produce specific effects that may benefit many bodily processes.
Fun Fact: Cannabis is one of the oldest medicinal plants used by humans!
What is CBD taken for?
According to the Gallup Poll mentioned earlier, 14% of Americans use CBD products. What they take it for is as follows:
- 40% take CBD for pain
- 20% for anxiety
- 11% for sleep
- 8% for arthritis
- 5% for migraines/headaches
- 5% for stress
This coincides with what I see at my workplace. Most people are looking for help with pain.
Hemp is hope, not dope
Remember, CBD does not cure any disease, it is just a way to help the body feel better.
CBD Comes in Many Forms
When looking for CBD, you’ll see that it is available in almost any form you can think of.
CBD comes in a number of edible forms, such as liquid extract, oils, capsules, gummies, etc. Some people don’t want to take another pill, so they opt for the extract or gummy. Others are worried about the taste and will go for the pill to avoid tasting the hemp. And yes, some of the extracts and gummies come in flavors, such as peppermint or cherry, but all the ones I’ve tasted do give me an aftertaste of hemp. I don’t mind the taste, but a number of people do mind it.
Me taking a CBD gummy!
The liquid oils are usually the most potent and unprocessed form. Also, it is the easiest way to control your dosage.
CBD also comes in a number of topical forms. You can find balms, ointments, lotions and even bath salts! These are nice for those who don’t want to ingest anything. And it can be applies right where you want it, like on arthritic hands.
Is CBD For You?
Everyone reacts differently to CBD. And you need to find a dosage that works for you. CBD is not a one-size-fits-all.
Will it work?
I tell my customers that CBD doesn’t know what you are taking it for. You may want it for pain, but it helps you sleep much better. CBD just goes in and does its thing. I ask customers to pay attention to any and all suttle changes that may occur when taking CBD.
Also, some people will notice changes quickly, while others may take hours, days or even weeks to feel a difference.
And more is not always better. Some people think they need to take a high dosage right off the bat. NO! All experts I’ve spoken too say to start with a low dosage and work your way up till you find that it works for you. There are a number of reasons for this.
First, if you take too much CBD, it may do nothing at all. I had a customer tell me she was taking a smaller dosage for some time that worked for her. She then wanted to try a higher dosage. She did and nothing happened. She went back to her lower dosage and it started working again.
Second, if you take to much, you could have some side effects such as upset stomach, nausea, headaches or dizziness. That is your body saying you took way too much CBD for your system.
So far, it does not look like one can build up a “tolarence” for CBD.
According to Junella Chin, DO, an osteopathic physician and a medical cannabis expert for cannabisMD, about 5% of people say they feel altered after taking CBD. She says these are usually the same people who have side effects when taking Advil or Tylenol.
But with all that, most of the customers I talk to say CBD has helped them in some way, whether for pain, sleep, anxiety, etc. I even had one elderly lady say she didn’t know if it was just in her head, or if it really took away the pain, but she was going to keep taking it either way because she felt better.
Make sure when shopping for CBD to that it is third-party tested for quality assurance. Because CBD is not regulated by the FDA, it may not be exactly what the label says. The 2017 Journal of the American Medical Association study, for example, which tested 84 CBD products, found that 26% contained lower doses than what was stated on the label.
Keep in mind, if you take CBD, it could show up on a drug test.
My recommendation
There are a lot of CBD brands out there, so where do you start?
First, make sure the brand you are looking at is third-party tested. That way you know you are getting what is listed on the label.
Second, research the brand or brands. Have they been working with CBD for years or did they just get on the band wagon? What is their mission statement? What do they stand for?
Third, don’t just look at the price. There are some brands out there that are more expensive, but you are paying for their marketing and packaging. Research the company.
Lastly, compare apples to apples. Some of the brands will list serving size according to CBD content, while others use hemp. And with liquids, the amount listed on the front of the bottle is usually for the entire bottle, not a single serving. So make sure you are comparing like to like.
My go-to brand is CV Sciences (also know as PlusCBD) for many reasons.
- Only produce CBD, that is their only focus
- First company to achieve GRAS safety status for hemp derived CBD
- Leader in shaping the pathway to legalizing hemp CBD products
- Founding member of the US Hemp Roundtable
- Had the first US grown hemp
- Had the first hemp extract randomized control study
- And I love their mission statement: “Improving quality of life through nature and science“
I take it to help me get a good nights rest. It helps to calm me down after a busy day. I don’t take it everyday, just when I feel I need it.
You can find out more about CV Sciences and ordering CBD HERE.
As with any supplement, before taking research it. Know what it does, how it affects people, etc. You know yourself more then anyone, so you decide what you need to live a more happy and painfree life.
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