xGlossary of Terms

I come across a lot of words that I don’t know the meaning of as I study herbs and their properties.  So I’ve made my own little cheat sheet and keep it handy. 
Below are words that that are used frequently in herbology. 


Analgesic relieves pain

Anti Catarrhal helps to prevent as well as dissolve and eliminate the formation of mucas

Anti inflammatory relieves pain, swelling and other symptoms of inflammation

Antispasmodic prevents or relieves spasms

Antiviral effective against viruses, such as chickenpox, ebola, hepatits, herpes, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, shingles and smallpox.

Astringent helps shrink body tissue (stops bleeding or secretions)

Demulcent rich in mucilage to soothe and protect irritated or inflamed internal tissue

Deobstruent clears or opens the natural ducts of the fluids and secretions of the body; removes foreign materials.  Also know as aperient.

Deobstruent/Aperient herbs include: yarrow, plantain, barberry and goldenseal.

Depurative helps get rid of impurities

Diuretichelps the body get rid of unwanted water and sodium to aid in treatment of the kidneys and/or bladder.  Also is used in congestive heart failure (CHF), lung disease, premenstrual syndrome, high blood pressure (hypertension) and edema (water retention).

Diuretic herbs include: dandelion, burdock, red clover, plantain, black cohash, horsetail, St. John’s Wort, Hawthorn berries and chickweed.

Emollient rich in mucilage to soothe and protect irritated or inflamed skin

Galactagogue promotes milk flow

Hemostatic stops the flow of blood

Hypotensive lowers blood pressure

Immunomodulator induces, enhances or suppresses an immune response

Inulin is a soluble dietary fibre.  As a naturally occuring carbohydrate (several simple sugars linked together), it passes through the small intestine and ferments in the large intestine to become healthy intestinal micro flora.  It is non-digestible.

Inulin is found in:  bananas, onions, garlic, wheat, leeks and in asparagus.

Styptic helps to stop minor bleeding from wounds.

Styptic herbs include: yarrow, plantain, shepherd’s purse, horsetail and lamb’s ear.

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