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The simple definition of what a mulled wine is, is taking red wine, heating it up and adding spices to it.
But as we all know, we like to “spice” things up and create something with a little more pizzaz. And so the creation of a multitude of mulled wine styles begins.
Variations include adding spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice, anise, and nutmeg. Citrus fruits and raisins can also be added to the mixture to enhance its flavor. And don’t forget other liquors, such as brandy, bourbon and beer are added depending on the recipe.
And there are many more cultures and countries that have some sort of mulled wine.
Mulled wine has a long history, starting back in 20 AD with the Romans.
By the 12th century, forms of mulled wine were very common in parts of Europe, especially in France and Spain. Recipes for this “spicy wine” can be found in written works of the time, like Regiment of Sanitat, written by Arnaud de Villeneuve, a doctor and theologian of the time.
This drink became even more popular in the 13th century, spreading further throughout Europe. The English king, Henry III, was very fond of mulled wine and made sure it was at the table when eating.
As the years went by, mulling was used more as a way to prevent waste of any wine that may have been unpleasant to taste. By adding herbs, spices and fruits, it made the wine more palatable.
Throughout the years, cultures took the recipes and altered them to suit their own taste. By adding different spices, herbs and fruits, they all created unique versions of this winter beverage.
In the Middle Ages, people viewed mulled wine as almost medicinal. They believed that the added spices made them healthier. They weren’t exactly wrong. And, alcohol was at times safer than the water that was readily available to those that lived in cities, especially during the Black Death.
Ancient Greece used spiced wine as a medicinal tonic for warming the body. The Greeks called this elixir hippocras, after Hippocrates of Kos, the physician known as the “father of medicine”.
When taking a dive into the ingredients, one can see how mulled wine is a form of medicine and the health benefits it can provide.
Red wine offers many health benefits. It supports cardiovascular health and helps fight inflammation. Because it contains resveratrol, it can help sharpen your mind and fights off free radicals. Red wine may also help to improve your mood.
A study, conducted at Curtin University in Australia, found that regular consumption of red wine reduced the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by lowering LDL cholesterol levels in postmenopausal women by 8 percent and increased HDL cholesterol levels by 17 percent.
When used as a sweetner, honey has many benefits. It is a natural antibiotic and helps to activate the medicinal properties of the other herbs and spices.
Cinnamon brings warmth into the digestive organs and extremities. It also helps to lowers blood sugar levels and helps remove digestive parasites.
Orange peel, which is high in vitamin C, can improve our immune system. You can learn more about the health benefits of orange in my blog post 21 Reasons to Get Orange Peel Into Your Diet.
Cloves are anti-parasitic and help remove worms from the gut and improve circulation. But don’t add too many or you will numb your taste buds.
Cardamom brings strength to the digestive tract.
So why is mulled wine such a popular drink during the holidays and at Christmas?
This tradition appeared in the 1890’s, when outside German markets offered this warming beverage to their shoppers. Within a few years, it became a contest as to who could create the best tasting mulled wine in the market.
Charles Dickens, the writer, included a passage which mentioned Smoking Bishop, a popular mulled wine of the day, in his classic A Christmas Carol.
And what do you eat with mulled wine? There is nothing better to serve it with than shortbread, speculoos, or a cinnamon or almond cake.
Even though this is considered a holiday drink, Mulled Wine Day is celebrated on March 3.
There are a lot of variations when it comes to the recipes and ingredients for mulled wine. But here is a list of the most common items needed in making this beverage.
There is no shortage of recipes for mulled wine. Just Google it and see how many pages of recipes pop up. It’s really no surprise since this beverage has been around for centuries.
Once you start looking, you’ll be amazed at the variety of recipes that are out there. What is even more amazing is that once you know how to do it, you can start creating your own versions of mulled wine. There really is no wrong way.
To get you started, I put in a few links to some tasty mulled wines below. Once you try one, let me know what you think in the comments below.
What is Mulled Wine? How to Make it and 5 Easy Recipes.
The mulled wine: origins and preparation advice
The History of Mulled Wine
Benefits of Red Wine for the Heart, Body & Mind
Gardening is such a relaxing and fun activity, and the whole family can join in. The best thing about gardening is that you get to reap the food benefits at the end!
If you’re interested in having a medicinal garden that is low-maintenance, there are certain things you should keep in mind to make it succeed. This includes when to plant, what plants to choose and where to put them. So be prepared to do a little research for your area.
Also, with all the chaos going on in today’s world, now is the perfect time to grow your own and not have to rely on others. Especially with the prediction of shortages looming over our heads.
Medicinal gardens provide many benefits. Not only do they look beautiful, but they can also be used to create natural remedies and food.
And don’t worry about space. Even if all you have is a balcony or small patio, you can utilize pots to grow your herbs in.
Don’t take on too much at the beginning. If you are new to gardening, maybe start with 1-4 plants and see how you do, and how the plants do. The last thing you want to do id overwork yourself and get frustrated and quit.
If you’re interested in starting your own medicinal garden, keep on reading for everything you need to know.
“The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth
One is nearer God’s Heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on Earth.”
Many people enjoy planting medicinal herbs and other medicinal plants. The benefits of these plants have been known for centuries, and they continue to be used by many cultures around the world.
While the exact time to start planting will vary depending on the plant and the climate, there are a few general guidelines that can be followed. For most medicinal plants, it is best to start planting in early spring. This gives the plant time to become established before the hot summer months. However, some plants, such as lavender, do better if they are planted in late summer or early fall.
Think about how you want to start out. Do you want to try growing your herbs from seed or buy seedlings? Some herbs are very hard to start with seeds, so research before buying.
Many herbs are perennials, meaning they will come up every year, so once you get them started, you won’t have to replant them. One less thing to do next year!
When it comes to medicinal plants, there are a variety of different options to choose from.
Some popular choices include herbs such as basil, rosemary, and mint. These herbs can be used to add flavor to food or brew tea. Other medicinal plants include echinacea, which is used to boost the immune system, and ginkgo biloba, which is often taken as a supplement to improve cognitive function.
Determine what and how you plan to use the herbs. Do you want to just use them in cooking? Than look into planting culinary herbs, such as thyme and sage. If you plan on using them for strictly medicinal purposes, what medicinal issues? If you have skin issues, you may want to plant calendula, which is wonderful for healing wounds, rashes, burns, and dry skin.
No matter what medicinal plants you choose to grow, it is important to research how to care for them properly. Make sure you know how much sun, water and space they will need, as well as any other special requirements.
With a little bit of care, your medicinal garden will grow and produce healthy plants.
Excited about the idea of growing your own medicinal plants and herbs, but not sure where to start? If you’re looking for a spot that is low maintenance and will allow your plants to thrive, here are a few ideas to get you started.
One option is to create a medicinal garden in containers. This can be an easy way to get started, and it gives you the flexibility to move your plants around if necessary. Make sure to choose containers that are large enough for the roots of your plants, and place them in an area that gets plenty of sunlight. You’ll also want to be sure to water your plants regularly, as they can dry out quickly in containers.
Another option is to plant your medicinal garden directly in the ground. If you choose this option, make sure to pick an area of your yard that gets plenty of sunlight and has well-draining soil. To prepare the soil, mix in some compost or other organic matter to help the plants thrive. Once you’ve chosen a spot and prepared the soil, you can start planting your medicinal garden.
When it comes to medicinal plants and herbs, there are a few things you can do to ensure they thrive in their environment.
First, make sure they have plenty of sunlight. Most medicinal plants and herbs need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Secondly, water them regularly. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering, but don’t let the plants get too dehydrated. Third, make sure they’re in a location with good air circulation. Avoid placing them in overly humid or damp areas, as this can lead to fungal growth. Finally, don’t forget to fertilize your plants every few weeks. This will help them to continue growing strong and healthy.
Don’t get upset if a herb or two die on you. Depending on the time of year, you can always plant it again. I love a quote by the Farmstead Lady: “Well, that’s why God invented next year”! Don’t give up on the first try.
If you stay on top of it, you can help your medicinal plants and herbs stay healthy and thrive.
While many medicinal plants are herbs, there are also medicinal flowers and trees.
If you’re looking to add more medicinal plants to your garden, there are a few things to consider. First, what do you want to use the medicinal plants for? There are many different types of medicinal plants, each with their own unique properties. Do some research to find out which plants would be best suited for your needs. Second, consider which plants would be low maintenance. Some medicinal plants can be quite finicky, so it’s important to choose ones that will be easy to care for. Finally, think about how you can add variety to your garden. Maybe you could add some herbs or flowers that can also be used medicinally.
If you’re interested in adding more variety to your medicinal garden, consider some of the following low-maintenance options.
One easy-to-grow medicinal plant is lavender. Lavender has a long history of use as a medicinal herb, and it can be used fresh or dried. Lavender is most commonly used to ease anxiety and promote relaxation, but it can also be helpful for headaches, insomnia, and stomach upset.
Chamomile is another easy-to-grow medicinal plant. Chamomile tea is well-known for its ability to soothe nerves and promote sleep. Chamomile can also be used as a topical treatment for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
Rosemary is a versatile medicinal herb that can be used in cooking or taken as a supplement. Rosemary is thought to improve memory and concentration, and it has also been traditionally used to treat stomach upset and headaches.
Mint is a refreshing medicinal plant that can be used in teas, salads, or as a garnish. Mint is known for its ability to soothe an upset stomach, but it can also be helpful for respiratory problems and headaches. One thing to keep in mind with any member of the mint family, is that they will take over ground space. If this is an issue, consider planting mint in a pot.
Spiraea Herbs has a wonderful video showing some perennial herbs that you can add to your garden.
These are just a few of the many medicinal plants and herbs that you can grow in your garden. By adding a few of these low-maintenance options, you can create a medicinal garden that is both beautiful and functional.
When it comes to medicinal plants, it’s important to know when to harvest them and how to store them properly. Otherwise, they may lose their potency or go bad before you have a chance to use them. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your medicinal plants:
With these tips, you can ensure that your medicinal plants are fresh and potent when you need them.
I hope this has inspired you to either start or add medicinal herbs to your garden.
There are many different types of medicinal plants, each with their own unique properties. Do some research to find out which plants would be best suited for your needs.
Second, consider which plants would be low maintenance and survive in your neck of the woods. Some medicinal plants can be quite finicky, so it’s important to choose ones that will be easy to care for. A plant that is easy to grow in California, may need a lot of attention in Minnesota.
Finally, take some time to learn about harvesting and storing medicinal plants. By following these tips, you can create a medicinal garden that is both beautiful and functional.
What medicinal herb are you going to plant?
If you are wondering where to get quality herbal seeds, Mountain Rose Herbs is the place to check out.
I’ve been getting herbs from them for years and trust them for high quality and ethically sourced ingredients. Their botanicals are analyzed and tested for identity, microbial, chemical, and physical contaminants.
Start shopping for your herbal seeds now!
Garden Lover
Here is a fun video to help get you in the mood!
Elderberries have been all the craze for some time. People make syrup, jam, tea and more with these berries.
What I found out in researching elderberries, was that these berries are very special. They are like the secret remedy for colds and the flu!
There are a few types of elderberry plants, but the black elderberry, Sambucus canadensis, is favored. Because of its strong anti-viral properties, it a huge defender against colds and the flu. Thus the reason for being so popular in the fall.
Have you ever had one of those moments when, from out of the blue, you have a fantastic idea or thought? Well, I had one today, an idea for this blog post – the color green.
It all started this morning when I got a manicure and pedicure, something to prep me up for our upcoming vacation. I don’t do this often, so it is quite the treat for me.
For my nail colors, I chose two shades of green, my favorite color. I’ve done pinks and reds a couple of times, but I just don’t care for the “pop” they have. They are just a little to bold for me. So I just stick with the good ol’ natural green.
Later, after I got home and was working on some household chores, it occurred to me that I put a lot of “green” in my life. Green fingernails, plants, clothes, etc.
That got me thinking about the color green itself, and the thoughts and views surrounding it. I believe it has a very interesting story.
So, first lets look at the color itself first. What is green?
Adjective: of the color between blue and yellow in the spectrum; colored like grass or emeralds
Noun: green color or pigment
Verb: make or become green in color
I was very curious as to what the definition of green was and how it would be described. And all I got was “it’s between blue and yellow”. Well, that’s like saying the definition of a car is between a truck and bicycle. And it leaves a wide open space, because there is a lot of green!
So that raises the question, how much green are we really seeing?
For most people when they take a walk outside, they see green trees, green plants, green weeds, etc. I have to admit, back in the day, that is what I saw too. Just green.
And then Kermit the Frog’s little song, “It’s Not Easy Being Green” popped into my head.
He sings about green not being viewed as colorful, like red or orange, and it gets passed by everyone. And it blends in with so many other ordinary things.
But then at the end he says “I’m green, it’ll do fine. It’s beautiful. And I think it’s what I want to be”.
That made me stop and think, what have I passed by? What did I miss? Or was it intended for me to not observe it?
I don’t know about the past, but I do know that going forward I can see in between the blue and yellow and catch all the green.
What I mean by that, is now that I know many different plants, I can see between the “greens” and see all the tones and hues.
The psychological side of the color green takes on many forms. There are the good effects, the not so good, and a few in between.
How does green make you feel?
Well, that will depend on the situation, environment, or concept, right?
In researching the color, I found that green is mostly a positive color. It creates warmth, a sense a safeness, peacefullness and more.
And to think that nature is full of green! What does that tell us?
Plants are green for so many reasons, like the ones just mentioned.
Plants are comforting. Have you ever just gone out and sat on the grass or under a tree and felt at peace?
We feel safe in our homes, built from trees.
How many times did you look for that green four-leaf clover for good luck?
And, money does come from trees! Paper money that is. I know, dorky reason as to why plants are green.
But for real, why are plants green? Because they catch the red light. What?
True. Green is the complimentary color of red.
So, plants and their leaves look green because the “special pair” of chlorophyll molecules uses the red end of the visible light spectrum (light from the sun) to power reactions inside each cell.
The unused green light is reflected from the leaf and we see that light, which is green.
The chemical reactions of photosynthesis turn carbon dioxide from the air into sugars to feed the plant, and as a by-product the plant produces oxygen.
How cool is that!
That made me hungry…
So I have to share with you some “Green Bread”. Yes, green bread.
So when you first hear green bread, it’s like “Yuck!”
But not this kind!
My mother started making it years ago, and it has been a staple on the table for all family gatherings. My nieces and nephews just love it. It is very simple to make and freezes nicely if you want to save some for later.
Go HERE for the recipe of this wonderful, moist bread that is like a dessert!
I hope your family enjoys it as much as my family does.
And start looking at “GREEN” in a new way and seeing all the green that nature has to offer us!